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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 

Proficient Reading: 32%

Distinguished Reading: 22%

Proficient Math: 35%

Distinguished Math: 18%

Clubs & Activities


      Twenhofel Middle School – Clubs & Activities

Text Box: There are many exciting after-school/extracurricular activities available at Twenhofel Middle School.  Please read through and check out what we have to offer!  If you are  interested in any of these activities, please feel free to contact the school at 859-356-5559.

This is for all three grade levels of all athletic abilities. The sports that will be played are bowling, basketball, karate and soccer. We will learn and play by the international rules and focus on sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation. Please see Ms. Fisher if interested.  Information for intramural activities for the 2023-2024 school year can be found at the link below: 
Art Club
If you enjoy drawing, painting or just creating, art club is for you! Every week, art club will meet and work on unique art projects while improving artistic skills. We will work with media and materials that may not be part of regular art class which will give us opportunities to try new and different techniques and art forms. Also, art club members will have the choice of participating in area art shows and competitions, along with exhibiting their work in the school environment. There will be a small fee to join art club in order to cover the cost of supplies. Come join art club, and let your creativity shine!
Quick Recall/Academic Team
The Quick Recall/Academic team is a team event in which students participate in answering general knowledge to content-related questions.  It is set up in the Jeopardy style of question/answer with a buzzer system.  We hold our practices on Mondays and meets on Wednesdays, competing against schools in the local area. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader may tryout by taking a general knowledge test in September. Depending on numbers, we may fill a JV and Varsity team.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA-Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  As the name suggests, the club centers around those athletes who are Christians.  In the student led club, students will participate in Bible Studies, Community Service, Team/Character Building Activities, and Sporting Activities, etc.  Although the club does have a sports emphasis, athletes and non-athletes alike are welcome to become a part of FCA.  If you like sports and love Jesus, you know you can’t miss out on an opportunity to meet with other Christians, learn about the Bible, play cool games and eat lots of snacks. Meetings are once weekly for an hour after school.
Student Council
The Council is a representative body of top students across all grades, with two representatives from each class.  Each class holds its own selection process at the beginning of the year, and these representatives hold their position for the full year.  Agenda includes normal meeting process items such as Correspondence, Business Arising, etc. General Business also follows a set format. Meetings are once weekly after school.
Yearbook Staff & Photography
Anyone interested in learning a little about photography and who would enjoy piecing together the Twenhofel Yearbook will need to fill out an application.  There are no tryouts; teacher recommendations and academic success are prerequisites. The first few meetings (usually September or early October), students can bring in their own cameras to learn to take better photos.  Then, students will be given assignments throughout the school to capture the school day as well as events throughout the year.  Students may also be required to help with picture day and group picture day.  Students will meet three times monthly to piece together the yearbook.  The yearbook is put together using an internet-based program. Students will be required to complete pages outside of Yearbook Staff meetings. Additionally,  students will be required to help promote and sell yearbooks. See Mrs. Davidson in 702.
Student Technology Leadership Program
STLP is a program in which students have the opportunity to learn about technology and how it can be used to create computer based projects and to present information in a variety of ways. Students in STLP should be interested in computers, enjoy taking a leadership role and like creating projects and presentations. Anyone interested in participating should see Mr Capizzi.
Archery Club
We meet every Monday 3 – 4:15 and Friday from 3 – 4:30. Starting date to be announced. We will be competing in a few tournaments (on Saturdays or Sundays) which will take place at schools within our region. Only a certain number of students who shoot the highest scores in practice will have the first opportunity to compete in the tournaments. Archery Club will take place in the gym. The cost of Archery is $20, which is non-refundable. These costs will help fund all of the materials needed as well as a t-shirt for each participant.